How to Manifest Anything You Want
How to Manifest Anything You Want
Do you want to learn how to take control of your life and become the creator of your own experience? In this post, I will go over how to manifest the things, people, and experiences you desire into your world. You can use these tips to manifest anything.
Harness The Power To Manifest
Harnessing your power to manifest puts you in the driver’s seat of your own life. Instead of going through life and reacting to the circumstances that come up, you proactively create your circumstances utilizing the Law of Attraction. If you are new to manifestation, or it hasn’t fully clicked for you yet, don’t worry. In this post, I will break it down very simply and in a straightforward way. I’ll start off by sharing my personal manifestation process.
My Step-By-Step Manifestation Process
The first step to manifesting anything you want, is to have clarity on what it is that you want.
You wouldn’t walk into a restaurant and ask for “food”. You would ask for a specific meal. “I want a slice of pizza, with chips on the side.” Then you would get that specific meal. It’s so important to be clear on what you want when you are intentionally manifesting.
It’s also very powerful to WRITE it down, pen to paper, not electronically.
It helps take your manifestation out from the ethers of your mind and one step closer to reality. You may want to keep a journal specifically for this purpose. It can also be really fun to be able to look back at past entries and realize how much you have created that was once just an idea.
The second step to manifesting what you want in your life is to deal with your limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging doubts.
Whatever it is, the negative thing that you say to yourself that you believe..switch it up and say the opposite. So many programs are running subconsciously in our minds. When we identify them and reverse them, we take away their power.
The third step to manifesting what you want in your life is to use affirmations!
This goes very well with the last step. Once you have reframed your limiting beliefs, these are perfect new beliefs to use as affirmations. This is your way of reprogramming your own mind. You can make these yourself, which is actually the most powerful way to do it, rather than finding random, vague affirmations on the internet.
Here is how I write my affirmations:
“I AM so happy and grateful NOW that _____________ .”
Here’s an example of one that I created:
“I am so happy and grateful now that my Journey Membership group has over 100 members”.
The fourth step in the manifestation process is to utilize your emotions.
Love, happiness, joy, and gratitude are the top emotions to utilize. Whenever you are thinking about the thing that you are manifesting, whenever you are writing down your affirmations, you want to elicit one of these emotions. It may be helpful to come up with a list of activities or topics that very easily put you into one of these states when you do or think about them. You don’t have to make this process hard on yourself. The easier the better.
The fifth step on manifesting anything you want is all about VISUALIZING.
See yourself already having what you are currently manifesting. For example, if you are trying to manifest a new house, you would want to visualize yourself already in that new house. You want to visualize like you are actually there, not like you are just watching a movie. It’s your hand that’s opening the door, it’s your furniture that’s in that house. Really get into the vibe and feelings this experience brings you.
The sixth step in manifestation (*this is the most important step*) is being in aligned action.
This is 80% of manifesting. It’s actually doing things that get you closer to your goal. For the Law of Attraction, you need action. It’s actually in the word, attrACTION.
The Jetfuel of Manifestation
Here’s the one thing that can supercharge your manifestations: the emotion of love. Love is the jet fuel of manifesting. When you are eliciting that feeling within you, you can manifest and attract anything to you. As I went over above, think about how you can find yourself in this feeling of love more often.
Throughout your day, try to find loving feelings in each situation. Of course, this is not always easy and sometimes might not be possible. You are a human, and it is normal to go through things that bring up challenging emotions. It is important to allow yourself to work through your genuine emotions while trying to reach for a higher vibration feeling when possible.
Is It Manifestation if Someone Gives Me a Gift?
What’s the difference between manifesting something, someone giving you something as a gift, or finding something on sale? Everything in your life is a manifestation. Everything in your life has been created by you and your thoughts. Whether you find something for sale or someone gives it to you as a gift, it is still your manifestation. It all counts! Take it all in as evidence that you are doing the thing. You are working your magic.
Is Manifestation Different for Men and Women?
You can harness the power of your feminine cycle to manifest like a boss. People with periods manifest on a 28-day cycle; men manifest on a 24-hour cycle. Understanding the power of your menstrual cycle and manifesting in accordance with it can kick up your manifesting lots of notches. Getting in tune with each phase actually helps you tap into that energy. You must have a balanced cycle to fully leverage your immense magnetic power and creativity. There are 4 phases of manifesting, and there are also 4 phases of your cycle.
Let’s break down the 4 cycles of your menstrual cycle, and I’ll give you suggestions on how to use the time effectively:
The week of your period - is when your hormones are at their lowest point, and you want to use this time to rest, recharge, and be grateful.
The week after your period - is a great time to clarify your intention and use visualizations.
Around mid-cycle (when ovulation occurs) - is the most ideal time to get stuff done, collaborate and connect.
The week before your period - is an ideal time to listen to your intuition and go deeper into your desires.
Top Three Reasons Why Your Manifestations Are Not Coming True
So let’s say you’ve done all of the above. You’ve followed all the steps, tried to do your shadow work, have been saying affirmations for months, worked with your cycle…and you’re STILL not seeing your manifestations in actual reality. What is going on, and why may this be the case?
Let me share with you the top three reasons I find that manifestations have not come true:
- You’re not grateful. Nothing new will come to you if you’re not grateful for what you already have. For example, if you have an apartment and want a new one, be grateful for the one you have right now, as you are manifesting the new one. Gratitude is an extremely powerful magnetic force. The more you can sink into this feeling, the faster and more effortlessly your manifestations will come into your life.
- You have a lot of hope. Hope is the killer of manifestations! What you need is faith. Hope is the desire that something will come true, while faith is the knowledge that it’s coming true. You must figure out what is happening underneath the surface that makes you question or doubt whether your manifestations are truly meant to be yours.
- You have some limiting beliefs that you need to deal with. To work through these, you need to do your shadow work and work on your affirmations. This will help you to clear out these limiting beliefs. You are the creator of your reality, and you can have whatever you want. You are also the creator of the limitations and boundaries in your mind. Another thing to note is that your shadow work may be a process. You likely won’t clear really heavy, deeply ingrained beliefs in one go. Make sure to be consistent with this process, and you will see much more success with your manifestations.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope that this post helps you to manifest your deepest desires. I hope that you feel empowered to create things you may have only wished for before. You are a very powerful being; sometimes, we just need that simple reminder of the power within us. It is time to get reacquainted with it and utilize it to create a fun, joyful, and peaceful existent sense.
You are here to enjoy your life and have all the tools you need to do so. Sometimes it’s just a matter of putting all the pieces together and remembering how it’s done.
Check back soon for more helpful posts on spirituality, manifestation, and more. You can also find me on TikTok and YouTube where I share similar information in video form.
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