Your Psychic Senses - “The Clairs”
Your Psychic Senses - “The Clairs”
10 Psychic Senses, often called “The Clairs.”
There are some that are very well known, the first five I’ll talk about, there are four more that are sometimes mentioned, and one bonus clair that I will also go over. Figuring out which clairs are strongest within you can help you to unlock clearer guidance. You can develop all of your clairs, but it is always a great place to start to work with your natural strengths.
Which Clair Do I Connect With?
It can be powerful to determine which of the clairs you connect with the most, because you may feel that because one isn’t your strength you don’t feel very intuitive. For instance, you may think that you aren't psychic because you don’t see things in your mind’s eye or hear specific messages.
The truth is, everyone is psychic, though your gifts might look different from those you hear about in movies and books.
You may even be at a point where you are so disconnected from your psychic abilities that you believe that they aren’t there at all, which is never true. Take the time to review the list of clairs shared here, and see what you feel most drawn to.
Grow Your Psychic Intuitive Senses
When you recognize your strength, it can help you to really grow your psychic and intuitive senses. The Universe and your Spiritual Team is consistently trying to make contact with you and give you guidance. When you take the time to strengthen your clairs, you strengthen your connection to this guidance.
The Ten Clairs Defined: Your Spirit Guides
Let’s go over the 10 clairs, then we can talk over how you can strengthen your psychic senses and connect more with your spirit guides.
Do you feel connected with any of these psychic abilities that correspond with these five senses?
These first five clairs are the most commonly talked about.
Clairvoyance: Clear Seeing
Clairvoyance is when visions of the past, present, and future flash through your mind’s eye. This experience is very similar to that of a daydream. It can be easy for you to learn about people and things you’ve never experienced.
People with this sense are often drawn to visual careers such as these:
- Artists
- Builders
- Visual Influencers
- Photographers
- Decorators
- Designers
Clairaudience: Clear Hearing
Clairaudient people experience words, sounds, and music being heard in their mind’s voice. You may hear messages in a voice that does not sound like yours.
People with this sense are usually drawn to careers in these areas:
- Musicians
- Poets
- Singers
- Writers
- Public Speakers
- Authors
Clairsentience: Clear Feeling
This is the ability to sense people or spirits, feelings or emotions. When you have that “gut” feeling or get chills out of nowhere.
People with this sense are often drawn to caregiver or healing roles such as these:
- Healthcare workers
- Doctors
- Therapists
- Natural Healers
- Counselors
- Nannies
- Teachers
Clairalience: Clear Smelling
The ability to smell odors that don’t have a physical source. This can also be when you smell the perfume or cigarette smoke linked to a deceased relative.
People with this sense are often drawn to careers in these areas:
- Florist
- Sommelier
- Cicerone
- Perfume/Fragrance Creator
Clairgustance: Clear Tasting
The ability to taste something that’s not actually there.
People with this ability are drawn to careers in these areas:
- Culinary
- Chefs
- Bakers
- Food Critics
Claircognizance: Clear Knowing
When knowledge of people or events pops into your mind.
Careers that people with claircognizance may be drawn to:
- Philosophers
- Professors
- Doctors
- Scientists
- Religious Leaders
- Spiritual Leaders
- Business Leaders
Clairtangency: Intuitively knowing by touching
Also known as psychometry. This is the ability to know an object's history or the owner's information simply by touching it.
The ability to sense the touch of a spiritual being or entity and gain information through it.
The ability to sense emotions and energies.
The ability to intuitively know the right words, precise combination of words or even combinators or patterns of numbers.
Clairessence: Clarity of ascension.
Open fully understood upon Ascension, when we are returning back to the source; to Atma.
If, after reading the list above, you still feel unsure as to which abilities you feel are strongest with you, you can try a simple exercise.
Take a moment to find a quiet space in your home, and get into a comfortable position.
Close your eyes and try to clear your mind. After a few minutes of silence, begin to notice where your mind is naturally drawn to.
Are beginning to find your mind shifting to the sounds in the room, the smells, or are visuals beginning to flutter through your mind?
Depending on the answer to where your mind is shifting, you can have a hint as to what sense is one of your strongest.
It is very common to have even 2 or more that are strong within you.
How To Develop Your Clairs
One thing that can be helpful is ensuring you are ready and excited to open up to your abilities. It can sound a little scary at first, so make sure it is truly what you want, and know there is nothing to be afraid of. You are simply opening yourself up to more clarity, magic, and joy.
Let the Universe and your Spiritual Team know that you are indeed ready to take this journey.
Get Spiritually Open
Another thing that can help open up your gifts is being around others who are very spiritually open. You can possibly find a mentor, or simply someone who you can befriend and be in their energy of someone already open. When you surround yourself more and more with these types of people, spiritual shifts are inevitable. The same can be said about the opposite; if you surround yourself with people who are pretty shut down psychically, it can be more challenging to open up within that energy.
Connecting with your guides is another great way to practice your psychic abilities.
Your Spiritual Team
A good time to try this is right before bed when you are calm and closest to your subconscious mind. Allow yourself to lie in bed, relax, and declare that you are open to messages. See what comes up without judgment. Remember that messages come in so many different forms. At first, you may feel like you are the one thinking or saying these messages. Have faith that, over time, you will better be able to distinguish what your own personal thoughts are and what messages from your Spiritual Team are.
Intuition Tests
You can also have fun with some Intuition Tests. I have several videos on my TikTok that will test your abilities. You can also search for other videos, as there are tons there. You could alternatively make your own test, playing with playing cards, oracle cards, dice, etc. You can also do this with a friend, trying to guess what is on their mind. You could even give them a reading and see how much it resonates with them. Keep all of this light and easy; you likely won’t get it all right, but it is all moving you in the right direction and strengthening your abilities.
How To Connect With Your Spirit Guides
Above, we touched on the fact that everyone has a spiritual team. Let’s talk more about how to connect with your spirit guides.
Everyone has guides, yes even YOU!
They are with you from the moment you choose to come to this earth until you choose to leave. When you know you want to connect deeper with your guides, one great place to begin is to set an intention to better connect with them. This can be as simple as saying, writing or even thinking in your mind’s voice, “I am creating the intention to better connect with my Spirit Guides and receive my spiritual messages.”
Connect To Spirit Guides Through Meditation
Another way you can connect with your guides is through Meditation. The more we attune ourselves to hearing the messages from our Spirit guides, the more we will hear them. Your spirit guides always try to communicate with you and guide you. It’s a matter of whether we are tuned into that guidance. As if we are radio and we are tuned into Z100, that doesn’t mean that the station on 95.5 isn’t playing; it means we are tuned into Z100. We have to attune ourselves to hear our Spirit Guides' messages. They are always there. They are always with you.
Which Clair Are You Strongest To?
Now that you know more about The Clairs, which do you feel are strongest within you? I’d love to hear about it, feel free to leave a comment and let me know!
Check back soon for more helpful posts on spirituality, manifestation and much more. You can also find me on TikTok and YouTube where I share similar information in video form. I have several videos about your clairs there as well!
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