Manifesting With Water
Manifesting With Water
I'm so excited to share my powerful, tried-and-true water manifestation technique. This technique will show you how to create in the quantum field, utilizing the magnificent power of water.
Hello, Beautiful Soul!
Are you looking for a simple, effective manifestation technique? This water manifestation technique is one of my go-to methods. This method is extremely effective, simple and teaches you how to work within the quantum field. If you have heard of Quantum Manifestation before, but didn’t know where to begin, this is a great way to become introduced to it.
First, let’s break down one of the most common questions.
What is manifestation?
In the dictionary-manifestation is defined as: “an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea.”
Which is basically super confusing and vague…
The real definition of Manifestation
The definition we are going to work with is that manifestation is utilizing your thoughts and feelings to create what you desire into your world.
Like attracts like
The vibration you hold within you will bring back situations, people and things that match that vibration. This phenomenon is also called The Law of Attraction.
There is so much evidence of manifestation (The Law of Attraction) in our world.
If you look back at the past 3-6 months of your life and you compare the predominant emotions you’ve been feeling, with the way your life has unfolded, you will feel resonance.
They will mirror each other.
If we want to change our circumstances, we must learn to work with our emotions and change our vibrations. This might sound like quite the challenge, though I promise this is very doable work. You simply need to learn the way. On both this blog, my social media platforms, and youtube- I share many tips for how to learn this work and become a master at manifestation.
Now that we’ve gone over what manifestation is let’s talk about why we are using water to aid us in our manifestation!
Why is water a powerful tool?
Water holds memory
Water (liquid) holds and our bodies are between 50% to 75% composed of water, so it’s definitely a powerful substance in our lives. We can imprint water with energy and allow it to flow through us and change the energetic state within our own bodies.
Now let’s dive into how to utilize water to aid you in your manifestations!
Water manifestation technique
This method is also called water transformation, dimensional jumping/quantum leaping with water.
Materials Needed:
Two cups
Two post-it notes (or you could also use paper and tape)
Pen or Marker
Jug of water
The Water manifestation method (The process)
Take a few deep, cleansing breaths and give yourself a moment to connect with your true-self.
You can place your hand on your heart and begin to explore what's on in your mind currently.
What are you wanting to shift?
What do you want to create in your life next?
What manifestation do you most want to see come to fruition very soon?
Take as long as you need to ponder these questions.
This is a very important and exciting step. How fun is it to really allow ourselves to dream and explore what we want for our future?
You want to make sure that your desires are coming from an authentic place.
Don’t choose goals that are based-on what you think you should want, or what other people have. Get connected with your deeper vision, let the emotions you want to feel in your life lead you to the situations, people and things that will invoke those emotions within you.
When you feel clarity, you are ready to move onto the next step.
Beginning with your sticky notes, let’s start with the first one.
Write “Current State”
And then add where you currently find yourself in life, in relation to what you are currently trying to manifest. This description needs to be expressed using 3 words or less.
Make sure that you are focusing on one thing that you are manifesting at one time.
Ex. “Unemployed” or “Single”. You would not use both of these in one sitting.
Stick this post-it on the first cup of water.
Now pick up your first cup and pour some water into this cup, about half-way full.
Leave the second cup empty for now. Once you are done, pick up your first cup, and hold it with both hands.
Look at the water and spend some time in the energetic space of the current circumstance that you wrote on the post-it note.
Close your eyes as you are experiencing this. Really feel all the emotions that come up.
Explore the visuals that come up in your mind. Do this step quickly and then you can move onto the next step.
On your second post-it-
Write “Desired State”
And then underneath, write what you are wanting to manifest into your life in the near future.
Stick your second post-it onto your second glass.
Next, pour the water from the first cup into the second.
Remember that water holds energy.
We want to imagine that we are shifting the energy from what we just experienced in the last step (our current state) into the energy of our future manifestation (desired state) in the second cup.
Feel the feelings of the transformation happening.
Now that the water has been poured from cup one to cup two, it is time to get into the energy of what you wrote on the second post-it note. Hold the desired state glass, look at the water and hold the glass close to you. Feel very intensely what the desired state would feel like.
Allow yourself to experience the sensations of what having this manifestation come into your life would feel like for you.
What would it look like around you?
What would you feel like inside?
How would things be different in your life?
Who would be the first person you would tell that this came into your life?
This is one of the most important steps in the whole process.
Really take your time here, and do this for a minimum of three minutes. If it feels good to spend more time here that is totally fine.
This is where you are transmuting all of that magical energy into the water.
Once you feel complete here, you are ready for the final step.
Drink Water
The last step is to take the water that is in your second cup and drink it. You want to do so slowly, still feeling the vibes that you have been infusing into this water.
While you are drinking it, feel the feelings of it being true intensely, and hold the feeling that this is done. Feel it move through you, and become part of you.
You can repeat in your mind “It is so” or “It is done”.
You have made your manifestation in the quantum field.
It will come to pass.
Allow it.
Once you are finished, if you would like, you can also journal on the experience you just had. It might be nice to revisit some of the emotions that came up.
Journaling is always a powerful tool for manifestation
Not only is there so much energy, and clarity gained, by putting pen to paper, but it is also very helpful to come back and reread what you have written. Rereading your journal entries brings you back into that energy every time you do so.
I highly suggest a regular journaling practice, or as some call “Scripting”, to aid you in your manifestations. You can also use journaling as a way to work through your thoughts and feelings, and gain clarity on what is at the root of them.
We have so many unconscious thoughts and beliefs running behind-the-scenes, and it is very powerful work to make them known, in order to shift them. I will share more about the manifestation journaling technique that I use in later blog posts.
You may be wondering, how often can you perform this technique?
The answer is really as often as you want.
You might want to perform this around the time of the new moon, to really soak in the transformation vibes. Or you could make this a weekly, or even daily practice. It is very potent, so you can feel into how often it feels right for you.
There are other techniques you can use to manifest with water. I will be sharing more of them on the blog soon, so be sure to check back.
Now that you’ve learned about this water manifestation technique, will you be trying it out soon? (Leave a comment below!).
If you do try this technique I’d love to hear about your experience. I have found that it is very powerful and effective, and love to hear stories of wins through this method.
You can also find a video version of this technique on my YouTube channel here:
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